This short film created by the team from The School of Life presents in a pleasant and simple manner the issue of trying out therapy. Even though in difficult moments or when we are suffering, we might have the impression that we are alone or that everyone else is doing better than us, difficulties are common for every one of us. Life can be sometimes difficult to figure out, and therapy can be the ideal setting to start.
Trying out therapy is a commitment to mental health and a more fullfiled life.
Hi! My name is Baga Lilla Adelka and I’m a cognitive - behavioral psychotherapist licensed by the Romanian Psychologist Association. I got my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and my master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, Psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy at the same university.
Every person has his/her unique story. Eventhough we are very different, we live in different environments, have uniquely coloured experiences, follow different principles, we share common human experiences which include suffering. This aspect shouldn't drive us to isolation from others because we all go through difficult moments. If we recognize this, we can overcome them. I believe that it's less important what life does to you and more important what you do with what life does to you.
Therefore, recognizing the unicity of every person, and also the aspects that bind us, I firstly assess the needs, the difficulties, but also the desires and goals of every client. Afterwards, on this basis, we build together an action plan that corresponds to those aspects that can be improved and those difficulties we wish to overcome. This action plan is adjusted in time, according to its efects and actualized needs of the client. My role as a therapist is to guide each client's individual process of self development.
Difficult moments are an intrinsic part of life. We might be confronted with external events, like a loss, a stressful work environement or a a new situation to which we simply don't know how to react. Maybe we realize that the way we manage our feelings, we relate to others or how we cope with events, are toxic for our well-being. Maybe if we could manage our time better, or if we could adjust our emotional reactions to work în our favor, the ride would be smoother. Counseling adresses emotional, social, work, school and physical health concerns and has the purpose of preventing mental disorders, by working on vulnerability factors such as deficient emotion regulation, rigid, inflexible thinking, maladaptive coping mechanisms, skill deficits, stress management and of promoting mental health.
Simply put, the purpose of psychological counseling is to improve the quality of life.
Personal development means aspiring to more than where you are right now. It's the desire, the goal and active commitement to becoming a better version of yourself; to develop the potential you have. You might have a clearly defined goal, a personal or professional project, or want to balance the two domains. You could just simply strive towards a happier life, a state of well-being. Either way, the personal development individual or group sessions offer you that personalized pathway through which you can best accomplish your goals, using scientifically validated methods.
Couples therapy is meant for those couples who are having communication difficulties, problems like infidelity, trust issues or strong jealousy problems; couples that are in a period of transition, like moving in together or the birth of a child, events that even though represent beautiful and unique moments, can become stress inducing. Certainly, couples therapy is for those couples too, that consider that the dynamic of their relationship could be enhanced. Couples therapy has the purpose of managing conflict and increasing couples satisfaction.
Phone: 0753973310
Monday - Friday: 12:00 - 20:00
Str. Dunării, Nr. 144, Ap. 41
Cluj - Napoca, România